Paul Hammacott
My Work is about my life. As context is everything, here's a very brief bio ....

Born, Chichester, West- Sussex, England
1985 Starts a Full Scholarship BA degree at Exeter College of Art and Design. At the time only 3 to 4% of the UK population pursues a first degree. Alongside an ardent interest in photography, develops an interest in reportage, the Artist as reporter.
1986 First major travels: Spends Summer sketching in Europe, including East Berlin, Vatican city and Istanbul
1986/7 First visit to the US; Massachusetts and New York City
1988 Completes Bachelors degree, at Exeter College of Art.
1989 Drawing trip to Spain and Morocco

1991 – 1995 First Long Trip, Three and a half years spent hitch-hiking from England to India, via Europe, Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan

Highlights include; Meeting one of the Ayatollahs in Iran, playing with fire arms in Pakistan, a first Meditation retreat, a Solo Trek to Everest Base Camp, using a mimeo graphed map purchased in Katmandu, attending the Dalai Lama’s teachings in Dharamasala and Bodhgaya, and visiting Asia’s largest cattle fair the Sonnepur Mela

Spring 1998 After a year and a half in the UK, a broken jaw, a broken wrist, and being told he’ll never write again (never mind draw), returns to South Asia for a second visit, this time lasting four and half years.

1998- 2001 Traveling South Asia; Highlights include hitch hiking across Tibet to the legendary Mount Kailash, attending the planets largest gathering of humanity at 2001 Kumbah Mela, an ill fated trip to Bangladesh, and time spent amongst the Sufis and Qualanders of Southern Pakistan
2002 Moves permanently to New York City
2004 – 2007 Obtains a Masters Degree at the New School University, NYC
2009 Attends first Burning Man Festival, Blackrock City, Nevada. Theme; Evolution
All Content copyright (c) Paul Hammacott. All rights reserved.

June/July 2010 Takes a summer class in Screen Printing with Marie Dormuth, a former collaborator with Andy Warhol, at Parsons, the New School sparking a five year exploration of the medium

Small Heading
August 2010, Burningman Metropolis.
2011/12 Involved in the Occupy Wall Street movement at Zuccotti Park, becoming a founding member of the OWS screen printing Guild, live screen printing in the streets and parks of New York City.

August 2012 attends Burning Man; Theme; “Fertility.” Initiates the Numinous Print give-a-way, distributing countless free silkscreen prints and tees over the space of 7 days
November 2012 Live drawing Gig for “The Art of Restraint” Celebration
2012/13 Visits Mexico to attend of the Mayan “End of Times”/”Return of Quetzalcoatl” celebrations on Tulum Beach. Instead receives a manifestation of Mexico’s patron; Saint Our Lady Guadalupe, “she who crushes the serpent” as she is known in Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs

Summer 2013. Struck with a renewed sense of impermanence following the deaths of three friends/family, begins seriously promoting work for first time. Website established. Five group shows follow in the next 12 months.

June 2013 Live Screen printing at MOMA, with the“Milk not Jails”, activist group.

Fall 2013 Occupy Prints accepted into the permanent collections of MOMA, the
Whitney, the Tate, the Smithsonian, New York Public Library, and NYU.
August 2014 First Solo Gallery Show at the “itmarksthespot”Gallery, Chelsea

2014/15 Spends the Winter on pilgrimage, drawing in Mexico and Miami
June 2015 Third Figment Festival contribution ; Work chosen from 120 Artists, as the site of Figment's first marriage proposal.
August 2015 Selection of political prints aquired for the permanent collection of the Victoria & Albert Museum, London
Fall 2015 Four Group Shows in the USA and Canada

February 2016 Painting "Self-Portrait /Third Eye" digitally encoded and launched into space aboard the NASA OSIRIS-REx spacecraft
April 2016 Screen - printing with Jews for Social and Economic Justice, activist group
May 2016 Art In Action, Group show, Gallery 151, Chelsea, NYC
June, 2016 "Meditation Mobile", Public Art Installation, Figment Festival, Governors Island, NYC
August 2016 Our Lady of Guadalupe Mural, Burning Man Festival, Black Rock City, Nevada

March 2017 "Selfies for Survival", Group show, A-Space Gallery, Philadelphia
June, "Meditation Mobile", Public Art Installation, Figment Festival, Governors Island, NYC
June/July 2017 "Fare Thee Well", Group show, The Ugly Art Room,Corrine Woodman Gallery, Corvallis, Oregon
July/August 2017 "Priority Mail", Group Show, Ground Floor Gallery, Brooklyn, NYC
November/January 2017 "Et Tu Art Brute?", Group Show, Andrew Edlin Gallery, NYC
January 2018 "Postcards from the Edge", Group show, Visual AIDS, Chelsea, NYC.
October 2018 "RBPMW Annual Members Show", Group show, Robert Blackburn 20/20 Gallery, NYC.
February 2019 "Postcards from the Edge", Bertolami Gallery, Group show, Visual AIDS, Soho, NYC
May 2019 "The Hundred Dollar Art Show", Group show, Judson Memorial Church, Greenwich Village, NYC.
May 2019 "Find the Faces", Interactive Public Art Installation, Figment Festival, Roosevelt Island, NYC
June 2019 "Chrismons", Greenpoint Open Studios, Java Studios, Brooklyn, NYC.
June 2019 "Our Lady of Guadalupe", Group Show, Greenpoint Open Studios, Epsy Color Imaging, Brooklyn, NYC.

August 2019 "Priority Mail", Group Show, Ground Floor Gallery, Brooklyn, NYC.